Involvement in Working Groups

The BZH is active in a range of teaching and learning working groups. This University-wide network ensures a coordinated planning process for a range of content-related and organizational issues.

The Examination organization and degree program management team

As a cross-faculty forum, the Examination organization and degree program management team develops conceptual approaches to operational matters of teaching and learning requiring inter-faculty coordination and/or coordination with the relevant offices in the administration and University IT (HRZ). The team works independently or at the request of the faculties, the University management, University IT or the Rectorate to develop:

  • Concepts for the coordination of examination procedures and degree program management
  • Working or discussion papers for the Deans of Studies working group or other bodies
  • Implementation papers for the resulting administrative procedures

Navigate to the eCampus page of the working group (access requires Uni-ID).

Master's degree program management working group

This working group has a range of responsibilities, in particular:

  • Discussions about enrollment conditions and management of the application procedure
  • The coordination of central/decentral information from potential applicants (from initial contact to enrollment)
  • Resolving procedural questions relating to applications via MoveIn and the HISinOne app
  • Organizational coordination between the central and decentral units relating to questions of enrollment
  • The design and sustainable maintenance of process-relevant documents (especially notifications of admissions and rejection), general information and bilingual (German-English) documentation
  • National and international marketing (advertising, presence at fairs)
  • Continual feedback and debate regarding the development of master's degree programs

Navigate to the eCampus page of the working group (access requires Uni-ID).

The Central Bonn Campus decentral teaching room management cluster working group

This working group provides a forum for cross-faculty exchange about questions of decentral room deployment planning on the Central Bonn Campus.

Navigate to the eCampus page of the working group (access requires Uni-ID).

The Poppelsdorf/Endenich Campus decentral teaching room management cluster working group

This working group provides the forum for cross-faculty exchange about questions of decentral room deployment planning on the Poppelsdorf/Endenich Campus

Navigate to the eCampus page of the working group (access requires Uni-ID).

The Kenndatenportal working group

Convened in 2012 and consisting of delegates from the faculties and the Bonn Center for Teacher Education, this working group was established to take decisions regarding the functions and appearance of Kenndatenportal. It meets at least once a year. 

The University of Bonn characteristics data network

The University of Bonn has maintained a cooperation agreement with a number of other universities since October 2017 with the aim of achieving synergies in the area of characteristics-supported quality management in teaching and learning.

Working within the scope of this agreement, the University of Bonn makes the Kenndatenportal software freely available as source code and accompanies the implementation process at partner institutions. Further information about the work of the Characteristics data network is available on our web page focusing on Kenndatenportal.


General inquiries

Please submit all general questions via email to:

Your contact persons

All contact persons for the individual aspects of our provision: The BZH team

See also

Who we are

The BZH steering committee, our team and our University network.

What we do

Our responsibilities and service provision in the areas of quality management, campus management and qualifications

OER at the University of Bonn

Information about and services relating to open educational resources, our OER office hours and the state portal

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