The Curriculum Structure Portal

The University of Bonn curriculum structure portal is a web-based program for organizing and visualizing curricular structures, and focuses on the skills to be imparted.

Project description

Curricula are developed as an agglomeration of consecutive modules dedicated to the achievement of multiple learning objectives and serve to teach certain associated skills.

The multiplicity of modules taught and the high degree of freedom in choosing them means that a great deal of effort is required to align the various learning objectives of the skills on which each individual module focuses on the micro level in order to maintain their relevance to the curricular qualification objectives on the macro level.

This difficulty can result in redundancies and dead ends in the teaching of skills, which can endanger the achievement of the associated qualification objectives.

Against this background and with regard to existing and planned module descriptions, it is necessary to be able to reflect critically on the skills formulations and examination requirements without great effort, and in such a manner that takes the entire study progression into account.

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The project seeks to establish a program that facilitates curriculum development and which can be deployed as a quality management tool. It should be possible to visualize study progressions on the basis of the skills taught; this will bring greater transparency in the module assignment within the curriculum and highlight the relationships between modules and skills. In this way, the program hopes to facilitate analysis of possible problems in the curriculum. This project also seeks to initiate reflection on the module and degree program descriptions and incorporate standards formed by the institutions.

The program is initially intended to support those involved in curriculum development and maintenance by simplifying work processes and making them more transparent. Teaching staff and module managers should also benefit through the clear graphical depiction of the situation of modules and courses within the overall curriculum.

The project can be viewed as having been completed when the first curricula have been successfully recorded and visualized.

The concept

Every degree program teaches a range of skills, which as the learning objectives of a course, module or a section of a degree program, represent the qualification objectives of the degree program or subject profile.
Individual learning objectives build directly on one another in terms of the levels taught (e.g. the ability to apply new skills and knowledge specifically requires an understanding of them).

Other learning objectives assume the possession of higher level skills. For example, a module examining the calculation of chemical relationships requires a certain level of mathematical skills.

This progression of successive and interdependent skills-acquisition is defined as a skills pathway.
The intrinsic logical progression of the skills pathway means that they can be mapped independently in a generic fashion.

The identification of the qualification objectives of a degree program and the learning objectives of its modules on a skills pathway structure generates module dependencies and establishes the structure of the curriculum automatically.

Project status

The Curriculum Structure Portal is currently in the alpha phase, i.e. the programming has been completed to the extent that the application works, but probably still contains minor faults that will only become apparent when working with real data.


Avatar Krüger

Stefan Krüger

Avatar Pickert

Daniel Pickert

See also


Kenndatenportal is a web-based quality management platform for the visualization of study progression data.

Quality Management

Quality assurance and development in teaching and learning

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